Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, and moments when you’re wondering if therapy is for you.
What to Expect From Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
If you’re reading this post, it’s safe to assume that you’re interested in learning more about a psychedelic lozenge that can help you recover from trauma, depression, and more. In Part 1, I talked about the fundamentals of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). Here, we’ll get into the nuts-and-bolts of what your KAP sessions would be like.
Can Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Help With Trauma
We’ve all experienced fear and worry at some point in our lives. Frightening experiences, as we know, are quite common. You might think that it’s rare to have a memory so scary it rises to the level of trauma. However, since 7 out of 10 American adults have experienced at least one traumatic event, it turns out trauma is more common than we think. That’s why new and effective treatments are essential. Increasingly, these treatments involve a psychedelic drug called ketamine.
Coping With Grief And Loss
When we speak of grief and loss, our minds immediately go to the emotional impact that the death of a loved one has on us. After two years of living through the COVID-19 Pandemic, this aspect is more salient than ever. However, death is only one type of loss that we grieve. There are many others that have debilitating, sometimes devastating effects on our mind, body and spirit, but which may not be as visible or readily called to mind.
The Power of Art Therapy in Difficult Times
At the time of this writing, as we rush headlong into the holidays, we find ourselves confronting the Omicron variant, the latest chapter in the global crisis saga that is COVID-19. After surviving two years of uncertainty, financial instability, loss of social connection, and re-entry into our personal and work lives, we are all in one way or another, finding ourselves digging deeper for the resilience necessary to cope.
Holding Space For Adoptee Voices During National Adoption Awareness Month
When we listen to adoptees, we begin to hear a much more nuanced version of the story. Scientific research in this area points to the traumatic impact of relinquishment on the adoptee. This has led many people in the adoption community to think more critically about celebrating National Adoption Awareness Month and the other days of observation. In response, another day of observation was introduced in 2020 by Adoptees Connect, Inc. founder Pamela A. Karanova. Today, October 30th, is Adoptee Remembrance Day.
Do I Suffer from Relinquishment Trauma?
Many adoptees report feeling symptoms of trauma as a result of being separated from their first mothers. Other adults who were adopted say they suffered no ill effects from the experience. The fact is, we all go through things in different ways, and what may be traumatic for one person, isn’t for another. If you’re wondering whether you should seek therapy for issues related to your adoption, it may help to understand what relinquishment trauma is, and why some adoptees seem to struggle with it while others don’t.